Hi, I'm Albert.
I am a Software Developer. LEARN MORE


Hi, my name is Albert Tseng. I am a Software Developer and Entrepreneur with an eye for design. I love creating web apps and making ideas come to life.

My Passion:
Great products have great design. Which is why I love simple and intuitive design, one that makes complicated actions and human decisions easier. I enjoy being a creator.

My Background:
I began my web development journey with Ruby on Rails, learning classic MVC, REST, migrations and embedded Ruby. Then I got into Backbone.js and fell in love with rich client-side web apps. From then on my focus has been more on front-end + design, exploring front-end technologies/libraries like Backbone.js, D3.js, React.js, Sass, Stylus, and many others to design tools like Sketch & Illustrator.

My Skills include:
- Design: My favorite tool is Sketch 3!
- Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap, Polymer, Backbone, React, this is my bread and butter!
- Back-End: Ruby on Rails, PHP, I love frameworks that help me make awesome things.
- All around programmer, I find ways to make stuff work!
- PS. I love documentation also.

I'm always working on something on the side, check out my projects for more info.

I built this website from scratch starting from Design, wireframing, mock to live product with various tools, including Gulp and LiveReload from BrowserSync.